Strategies for proposing your SPA in summer


SPAs are havens of wellness and relaxation, ideal for every season of the year. But how do you attract clients during the summer months? A summer SPA holiday is definitely a relaxing and regenerating experience. For this reason, many SPAs offer special packages during this time of year to pamper their clients and guarantee maximum […]

SAUNA IN THE SPA: trends and new technologies


The sauna environment is experiencing a real revolution thanks to new technologies and innovative design. New saunas offer increasingly comfortable, personalised and engaging experiences. Caution though! Design and business planning should be entrusted to experts. In Europe, and many parts of the world in general, it is now common to spend part of the year […]

Designing an experiential SPA journey


When people talk about wellness today, they often associate it with the concept of luxury, which is no longer just a matter of opulence, but a journey through authentic, sustainable and personalised experiences. How to design a successful experiential SPA environment? The challenge is to create an evocative journey, perhaps inspired by ancient Roman baths, […]

Residential SPA: trends and features


The quest for wellness and quality of life is becoming increasingly pivotal to housing decisions, leading to an interesting development in the real estate sector: the growing demand for SPAs within apartment buildings or residential areas. Wellness, fitness and SPA areas within common areas for the benefit of residents are now popular amenities, especially among […]

The magic “touch” of massage


At the recent CES in Las Vegas, French start-up Capsix Robotics unveiled a robotic arm capable of performing a professional massage. “70% of people suffer from back pain, 60% suffer from chronic stress, it’s a big problem – said François Eyssautier, CEO of the startup. Capsix Robotics.iYu, as the robot is called, scans the body […]

The bbspa_UK project takes off


The whole team is delighted to announce the establishment of bbspa_UK, led by CEO Kirsty MacCormick, a respected leader in the UK and international SPA industry. After successful collaborations with Ghislain Waeyaert in the creation of bbspa_France and with Rita Bonucchi in Singapore, the group is expanding its boundaries by launching bbspa_UK. Kirsty MacCormick, co-founder […]

Mountain SPA: wellness all year round


The mountains are increasingly synonymous with well-being. It means immersing yourself in a mix of nature, tradition, sport and culture to experience a regenerating holiday. SPA offers are a feather in the cap capable of winning the hearts of “mountain lovers”. Wellness tourism in the mountains The increase in tourist flows is a driving force […]

SPA and wellness market: how much is this business worth?


Wellness economy sectors have recovered and surpassed pre-pandemic levels. This is according to the Global Wellness Institute, based on an extensive survey conducted from January to September 2023. The Wellness Economy comprises all industrial/tertiary sectors associated with activities and lifestyles pertaining the ‘wellness world’. The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) has carried out a survey in […]

Transforming and ‘prolonging’ your life at the SPA


More and more SPAs are promoting prevention, balance and self-love, guiding their clients on a super-personalised journey towards a new concept of longevity. by Elisabetta Farneti The “Longevity & Ageing” conference, held in Milan in 2023, was an opportunity to explore and deepen topics related to longevity and ageing. These are highly topical issues that […]

Winning strategies for designing, managing and promoting the SPA


In this article we present our review of the recently published book written by Matteo Brusaferri, General Manager of Lemi, an Italian company famous for the production of beds, armchairs and multifunctional treatment rooms for the Beauty and SPA sector. With “The perfect room for a successful SPA” (published by Bruno Editore), the author, who […]